Thursday, December 31, 2009

If I had Twitter....

What would’ve been on Twitter December 20th-21st...if I had Twitter.

Only 20 more hours in India - excited out of my mind!

I wish the water wasn’t freezing so I could shower and wash all this dead human ash off my body. I will never smell sandalwood again with out thinking of burning human corpse on the edge of the Gangas river.

Only 200K to the boarder, no big deal!

Tractors, food carts going to another location, motorcycles, wagons, camels, dogs, people, bicycles, water buffalo, elephants, rickshaws, cows, tuktuks, and our bus all on this 2 lane road - no wonder it takes 10 hours to go 200K.

I just wish the bus would rattle a little more.

The Nepali customs people are so nice - finally somebody who seems to care. I love Nepal already.

I hate Nepal.

The entire country is on strike? How does that even work? How does that happen?

Why didn’t they tell us BEFORE we left Varanasi that Nepal is on a 3 day strike instead of 2 minutes before we get off the bus to go into Nepal? I love spending extra days at this no place border town.

Moaists? What is going on? Should we even be here?

Good news! “We will definitely, probably, most likely will be leaving for sure at 12:30....maybe”. Huh?

It’s 1:30...shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up on that most convincing statement that we were leaving at 12:30.

Thanks Mr. French Man - I do feel VERY fortunate that we only have to be here for 1 day.

Robyn - we forgot to research lice.

Gotta go - bus is leaving in 20 minutes.

I’m back - the bus will be here in an hour.

On our way to Katmandu! It's only 5pm.

Is it customary for people to clap and sing when the lights go out? - I think usually that indicates it’s time to sleep.

Is this a bathroom break? It seems like we’ve been sitting here for quite some time.

Wait....the bus driver is taking a nap? How long is his nap?

No worries guys - we are back and running 2 and half hours later! He just needed a little nap to keep him going.

Oh good - we’re on our way - how long do we have?

Um....that is my arm rest. I don’t think you can make a bed in the middle of the bus floor with your 7 blankets and then sit up and decide to wrap your entire arm around my arm rest to keep you from sliding around.

Yes that is my hip bone get your elbow off of it!

Seriously - I mean it - get your arm off of my lap. I am pushing against it for a reason.

Wait....wait.....WAIT a minute, we were only 1 and half hours from Katmandu and you pulled over to take a 2 and half hour nap?

So here we are, 4:36am, dropped off on the side of the road, it’s dark, cold, and we have no idea where to go. Welcome to Katmandu.

1 comment:

  1. Aaaah!!! I am rolling on the floor laughing! That is SO funny, yet SO terrible, yet somehow I'm not at all surprised! :-P You made it though! Hehe :).
