Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Meeting an old friend

"Hey! What are you guys doing? I am starting at a call center on Monday and I would love to practice my english with you...Do you want me come with you where you are going? I know the buses so you can go cheap. I am just your friend, I don't want money, just to practice English. You need a sim card? OK, I can help you. Let's just talk. Have you heard of this place? I can take you there. If not, it's OK, I just want to learn more so I can talk to the people who call me".

Our "friend" Rahul showed us around Mumbai all day. I was confused but nobody else seemed to mind so I just kept my mouth shut. Night came and we parted ways. Titus and Caleb gave him a little money as a thank you but we made our way back to the hotel so happy we got to see so much in Mumbai. We missed Rahul at the next day as we tried to make our way through the city alone. What a good friend we made!

Fast forward a month later. Beautiful Goan beach, calm and peaceful water, sunshine, wonderful sand.....and Rahul's face sitting 2 or 3 seats to another white guy! Maybe the call center he was starting the Monday after we met wasn't working out...maybe. I told Robyn it looked like Rahul but she didn't think much of it. As we swam we noticed the old white guy coming into the water with the Rahul look-alike. I mentioned it to the rest of our group it looked like him. We sat in the water trying to decide if it was him or not. Then, out of nowhere he turns around and holds his finger to his mouth to tell us to shhhh and gives us a wink and smile.

We got SCAMMED. Clever Rahul...but I bet you didn't expect to see us again a month later, 600K away, in another state, with your newest victim! I am not sure who got the better end of the deal! The little money he got from us....or us getting to see the look on his face when he realized who we were!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! That is just way too funny! Sad...comical...and makes for a good laugh. Well, now at least you know! :-P
